Dr. Kassir is a leading expert in ear surgery, which corrects the appearance of protruding or enlarged ears. Dr. Kassir is experienced in both ear pinning and ear reduction surgeries, depending on the patient's needs.


Do your ears seem too large or protrude further than you would like? Do you have torn earlobes?

If your ears appear to be protruding out of either side of your head, or are too large in comparison to the rest of your facial features, you may be a good candidate for ear surgery. Ear surgery, also called otoplasty, can be performed through ear pinning or ear reduction to improve facial balance so focus is no longer directed at a patient’s ears. Dr. Kassir performs ear surgeries in NJ clinics.

What is Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery by Dr. Kassir is performed to correct large or protruding ears to produce a natural appearance with no visible signs of surgery. During ear surgery, the size, shape and proportions of the ears are reduced and reshaped. Dr. Kassir first makes an incision behind the ear. The cartilage within the ear is reshaped and then positioned closer to the sides of the head, to alleviate the protruding appearance. Any extra skin is removed and the incision is closed with sutures. This procedure has a typical duration of 1 to 2 hours, dependent on the magnitude of the work needed. The procedure may be done as early as age 4 or 5 and at any point thereafter. Adults usually require only local anesthesia but young children typically benefit from general anesthesia.

What Can an Ear Surgery do?

An ear surgery can improve facial harmony amongst all facial features by adjusting the position or size of the ears. Both a reduction and a pinning procedure can be done in conjunction with each other. Dr. Kassir performs ear surgeries in NJ for patients in the area, as well as those who fly in. 

An ear surgery can correct:

  • Protruding ears

  • Oversized ears

  • Misshaped ears due to injury

  • Reposition the ears

  • Torn earlobe repair

 Are You a Good Candidate for Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery can be performed at an age as young as 4. Patients who feel that their ears attract attention because they protrude outward, are misshaped, or have damage from earrings may be good candidates for ear surgery. Although they are only a small feature, ears have the power to either create or deteriorate facial harmony. Because of their intricate, lateral placing on the head, protruding or oversized ears become a focal point, rather than attention drawn to the face. Misshaped or enlarged ears can cause emotional distress and a lack of self-esteem, especially for kids and teenagers throughout school. An ear surgery can be done under local anesthesia in Dr. Kassir's office and there is little recovery time required. 

Recovery From Ear Surgery

Because Dr. Kassir performs a diverse variety of ear surgeries, the recovery time varies amongst patients. For patients that are getting an ear reduction or ear reshaping surgery, the recovery time is typically 1 week. Following otoplasty, patients are sent home with a bandage around the head and over the ears. The bandage can be removed after a few days and is replaced with fresh bandages up to one week. Stitches are removed after 1 week following the procedure, and patients can resume normal daily activity at that time. Although some patients may experience swelling or bruising to the ears, final results will be seen in just a few weeks.

Dr. Kassir also performs ear pinning procedures under local anesthesia, in which 1 stitch is placed into the ear to pin it back. This stitch recreates the natural curves of the ears, and alleviates the appearance of protrusion. This is done in under 1 hour and patients are able to continue their normal daily tasks after one day of recovery, since it is very minimally invasive and effective.